Cool Roof France develops innovative and sustainable materials

The R&D team conducts studies on the application and understanding of Cool Roofing products. At the heart of innovation, the R&D team studies cool roofing products and their application while, in parallel, leading development projects for its new products within an eco-design approach. For this, Cool Roof France relies on its expertise, its internal laboratory and its network of industrial partners.
In addition, the Materials R&D team works closely with our Design Division, which assesses the impact of Cool Roof on the thermal performance of buildings, cities and roofing equipment.
Ecodesign and environmental analysis
At Cool Roof France, we place the environment at the heart of our R&D and develop our solutions in an eco-design approach.
Designing low environmental impact coatings
Cool Roof France is favoring water-based paint with no pollutants, but our approach goes even further, with the use of oyster shell powder in the formulation of products. If this choice allows us to use a biosourced raw material, it also allows the recovery of waste generated by the oyster farming activity on the French Atlantic coast.
At Cool Roof France,
we place the environment at the heart of our solutions in an eco-design approach.
Cool Roof, the first “FDES” of reflective coating in France
Implementation of our eco-design approach is supported by the ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency). Cool Roof France was the winner of a call for projects in 2020 (AAP PERFECTO) which enabled to carry out the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of its solution. This is a standardized, multi-criteria and scientifically recognized method. This analysis meets the ISO 14040-44 series of standards. Validated by an approved independent auditor with results then published into some specific form EHDF : Environmental and Health Declaration Form, published on the INIES database and the RE2020.

Improve the coating formulas already on the market
At Cool Roof France, the search for improvement of our products never stops. Our materials R&D team is continuously working to improve formulations to meet specific demands of our customers.
Our materials R&D team conducts various types of studies: application tests, characterization of adhesion properties, characterization of optical properties, accelerated aging, etc. For example, our solutions are reworked to improve their adhesion to new substrates or their application in specific conditions.
After tests in laboratory, formulations are applied in “trial tests” in the field by the Methods and Applications Division.