
reflective cladding

At Cool Roof France, we offer practical and sustainable solutions to allow people to cool buildings and therefore cities.

Thanks to our reflective coatings and our application methods, we help companies and communities to

> improve the thermal comfort of their buildings,

> reduce the use of air conditioning equipment,

> reduce their impact on the environment.

Our cool roofing solutions are reserved exclusively for professionals.

Please contact us to rate
your cool roofing project

Some turnkey solutions

Up to 40% off

savings on A/C electrical consumption

Up to 8°c

less on average inside buildings

Each and every summer, the heat peaks lead to some overheating of many commercial, industrial or residential buildings.
To remedy such, without considering major works, Cool Roof France has developed turnkey solutions.

Calling on Cool Roof France means :

  • Choosing an eco-designed product, made in France, improved on a constant basis,
  • Relying on a network of specialized applicators throughout France,
  • Having data allowing ROI precise calculation (based on in/outdoor temp readings),
  • Support an actor committed to climate & social justice & thus participate in change.
20 applicateurs formés au sénégal par Cool Roof

trained in Senegal


Our solidarity actions

As a SSE company, Cool Roof France has defined its internal functioning, as well as its activities, according to the principle of solidarity and social utility.
Every day, our solidarity division carries out concrete actions that allow us to develop and increase the social and environmental impact of Cool Roof France:


  • Solidarity workcamps in France & Africa
  • Raising awareness among the general public
  • Development of low-tech cool roofing solutions in free access
  • Supporting communities in the fight against fuel poverty
  • Fundraising, etc.

Lower indoor temperatures

 40 %
energy savings
on building air conditioning each year

of white painted roofs
in France and abroad

-36 Kg CO² eq/m²
reduction of CO² emissions

Customer reviews

9 months after CoolRoof painting, it was noticed a drop of -6°C in temperature in premises, but above all, a drop in the number of hours over 25°C in shopping areas: number of hours got divided by 9! And that’s almost 40% savings on air conditioning consumption

Brico Dépot – DIY store in the south of France (Brive)

They support us

Ministère de la transition écologiqueRegion BretagneTechnopole Quimper CornouailleLogo Team For The Planet