Coolness on the city

Cool Roof France has been awarded by Fonds d’Études et d’Aide au Secteur Privé (FASEP).
After the Million Cool Roofs Challenge, we wanted to keep gonig on democratizing cool roofing in Senegal, by collaborating with Agence de Gestion du Patrimoine Bâti de l’État Sénégalais.
What is the population affected by this cool roofing project :
Working with a public agency, goal was to apply Cool Roof to public utility buildings such as :
- Maurice Delafosse High School, a technical and commercial high school
- The J.F. Kennedy high school, a female high school
- The Maristes health center
- The national blood transfusion center
- The urban development department
Cool Roof France Intervention :
These buildings had two main distinct problems. The high schools listed above are non-air-conditioned buildings, often poorly insulated, in which the heat can be extremely high. Therefore, it is difficult to study in good conditions. Cool Roof France has therefore worked to provide thermal comfort.
The health centers are air-conditioned, but not entirely. Some spaces therefore also reach very high temperatures. On the other hand, the air conditioning systems, which are often out of order, cause efficiency problems and a loss of time for the staff who have to manage the organization of repairs and breakdowns. It also means high maintenance costs for a disappointing result. Cool Roof France’s objective was to provide a continuous cooling effect, as well as a reduction in expenses.
Our intervention logic was the same on this project as on the previous one: to rely on the field expertise of local actors. We therefore joined forces once again with the energy efficiency consultancy Emasol, as well as with the construction company Maor Technologies.
Results of such initiative :
This action enabled our materials R&D department to conduct tests to validate the suitability of our coating for Senegalese climatic conditions (drying kinetics, coating thickness, adhesion before and after aging, etc.). These tests were conclusive and allow us to consider a more advanced variation of our solutions, to meet climatic conditions very different from those of France or Western Europe.
Few figures :
- 20 painters & 4 site managers trained
- 16 000m² of painting applied
- Sociological surveys conducted before application and others to come to compare users’ feelings before and after cool roofing work.
- 5 connected sensors developed in partnership with the Polytechnic School of Thies